Business Vision Live 2022
The Kent Housing team attended Business Vision Live 2022! As the South East’s premier business showcase, the event brings over 200 businesses from Kent, and we were proud to be one of them!
Our team made sure to make the most of the day and attend many of the fantastic talks on offer, from tips on maximizing social media presence to sustainability and environmental impacts. The event also brought in great networking opportunities, to learn from like-minded people. Keynote speaker, Ben Thompson, BBC Breakfast, who gave a real insight on utilizing digital technology to support small business growth.
We had such an amazing time and met so many fantastic people discussing the impact of how businesses such as ours, are supporting those families in our society that are vulnerable, through from providing quality homes, in temporary accommodations and providing food, through our community support initiatives. Overall, so much was learned from the day, forging new partnership relationships, strategic links and bringing learning back to the business.